MEET BOONE! | Winston Salem Photographer

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NOVEMBER 20, 2018

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Meet the newest addition to our family!


If you’re anything like me, you’re sending your significant other a picture of a cute dog every time you see one. We’re talking online, in-person, everywhere – all the doggie pics. Usually there’s a long pause followed by a “haha” and the conversation moves to “what’s for dinner?” or “how’s your day?”


SO, you can only imagine the size of my eyeballs when, while scrolling Facebook, I see this chubby, fluffy baby bear. I immediate screenshot and send to Kyle with a quick, very important note stating “I need him.” Now – imagine my eyeballs when he responds “let’s go meet him!”


WHAT?! IS THIS REAL LIFE?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_separator color=”custom” el_width=”30″ accent_color=”#bdb2b1″][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]

Yep, it was real life.


We rescued Boone, previously Mack from AARF in Winston Salem on Nation Puppy Day, which was just way too fitting! He’s a Lab/Mastiff mix – also known as a Mastador! I know what you’re thinking, because we thought it too.. “Mastiff? WOW he will be huge!” UH YEAH. Boone is estimated to be a whopping 120lbs. We’re letting Winston enjoy being the bigger pup for now and trying to prepare him what he’s in for in just a few months.

At 11 weeks old in these photos he was over 25lbs. Yeah, huge.


Nicknames he’s acquired in the short time we’ve had him: Boonie, Boonie Mack, Boonie G, Baby Bear, Muffin, Muffin Top, Mr. Handsome, Mr. Pitter-Patter (you should hear his huge paws running through the house)

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Thank you Annie Timmons Photography for these photos!
