I am extremely excited to share the BIGGEST news for my business!

But before I get to that.. I wanted to share a little backstory on my history with CGP. I remember being in college with absolutely no clue what direction I wanted to go. I truly didn’t know people could make a career out taking photos (ha, if only it was that simple!) Nonetheless – I just didn’t know it was possible. So, I continued taking my entry level classes and feeling completely lost. It wasn’t until friends asked me to shoot their backyard wedding that I realized just how much I loved photography.

I was hooked – I loved everything about weddings! So I decided to take a leap of faith and major in Commercial Photography. I continued to work this business while working a 9-5. Since 2013, my week days were spent working, my week nights were spent editing, and my weekends were for weddings. I took my second leap of faith in 2018 and went full time! I was no where near being “booked up” by any means, but it was getting to the point where I was turning down shoots due to my 9-5 and I knew if I put 100% of my attention and determination into my own business I could make it happen. And I did just that. Despite covid, and having a newborn, 2020 was my biggest year yet. My income surpassed any 9-5 job I had ever had. I have never been so proud of myself or felt so accomplished – but sadly, also burnt out.

When I had Hayden, my love of photography took a turn from bouquet tosses to baby toes. My weekends also became sacred. It was the only time we had as a family of 3! So, when I was pregnant with Laurel, I knew I had a big decision to make. And after a lot of thought, prayers, and late night overthinking, I made a huge decision for my business.

I am no longer a wedding photographer.

About 6 months ago, I started turning down weddings. I kept receiving inquiry after inquiry, saying they’d been referred to me from a past bride and groom or a friend and that I was an amazing wedding photographer. But in my heart I just knew that wasn’t me anymore. I’m not a wedding photographer.

..But the good news is I’m not going anywhere!!

I am now a full time Newborn & Family Photographer serving the Winston Salem and surrounding areas!

I decided to get serious about newborn and family photography and it has been such a blessing for my business and my heart. I absolutely love getting to capture beautiful nursery’s, tiny toes, and parents completely in love with their new baby. Once I decided to dedicate my time to families and newborns, I hit the ground running and quickly booked up my 2021 calendar! I currently have ONE more newborn spot available for December!

And the best part is – this is just the beginning!

A huge thank you to my past brides & grooms that have allowed me to celebrate with them throughout their engagement and on their wedding days. I am extremely excited to shift gears and continue serving and photographing families during such an exciting season. My passion for photography has been completely restored and I can’t wait to share the other BIG things in the works for Courtney Grant Photography!